Please Help Us Save Our Planet

Please Help Us Save Our Planet
For Our Children's Sake

Enjoy Watching Our Videos

Thank you for coming to the newly forming organization called: "REFRIGERATORLIST"

We are in the formation stages of building a website and this blog.  The lists will be available shortly that you will be able to print out for yourselves and print for friends, neighbors,  & family members.

In the meantime, there are wonderful and well-researched informative videos that you can watch.

I ask everyone who comes to this site to give their serious attention and commitment to the three hours it takes to watch these educational and well-researched videos.

The first, created by Professor Dr. Al Bartlett of the University of Colorado - Boulder, is most informative and what we all need to know about population growth and how it is related to the worlds problems at hand and the direct link it has to global warming.  
Thank you for participating with us in taking action to solve serious threats to our children's future.