"It behooves the wealthiest to keep the masses divided and confused. At that time when the masses are united, the wealthiest have no choice but to cater to their wishes."
"United We Stand; Divided We Fall"
These statements are not only powerful, but true. If we wish for change and to be heard, we must be united. So the question stands: "How can we unite?"
Political lines are favored by the powerful to keep people divided. Most U.S. citizens simply wish for their leaders to be honest and not have financial interests lining their pockets -- which destroys our democratic voice.
What does Republican mean? What does Democrat mean? Most U.S. citizens could not give you a legitimate definition of even the origin of these words. They literally mean nothing to most of us.
What does Conservative mean? What does Liberal mean? Again... these words have become just a fantastic means of divisiveness. Most Americans do not want our monies squandered. Most Americans want Americans to work and work hard. Most Americans want the Earth's rainforests protected and most Americans feel it is foolish to burn up all of our fossil fuels.
So to gain our patriotism and unity back, do not affix yourself to any political group. Be independent thinkers and maintain your right to ALWAYS change your opinion or affiliation. Instead, declare yourself as a proud american who will defend your neighbor and defend our national security. It is NOT wise to spend trillions of our hard earned dollars overseas to hostile foreign nations that in turn use these to kill our children and threaten our national security.
It IS WISE to gain energy independence from foreign countries and to do so as fast as we can.
How can this movement work?
We unite together and tell both our local leaders and local media outlets that we expect more from them. Freedom of the press was important in early U.S. days as it was vital in letting the people know what was going on politically. Today... our press has become nothing but a propaganda machine for those in power. DEMAND OUR PRESS BACK!
Secondly, think of the power of notation. If I tell two people, who tell two people each (equals four), who tell two people each ( eight people) -- and we do this only TWENTY-NINE TIMES.. we have reached the entire population of the United States.
Think about it! Think about the effort you need to take to save your children.