Can We Face The Reality Of Overpopulation?
The number one problem facing the world today is indeed overpopulation. You can get a general idea of this by looking at the following facts:
1. In the year 1000 it is estimated the human population of the Earth was 1/4 of a billion people or 250 million.
2. In the year 1660 it is estimated the human population of the Earth was 1/2 of a billion or 500 million. A doubling time of 660 years.
3. Somewhere before 1830, it is estimated the human population of the Earth was 1 billion. A doubling time of 170 years.
4. In 1930 it is estimated that the human population of the Earth had reached 2 billion. A doubling time of 100 years.
5. In 1999 it is estimated that the human population of the Earth had reached 6 billion. A TRIPLING TIME of 70 years!
6. Today, we have reached an estimated population of 6.85 billion persons on our planet Earth.
Now that you see these numbers, perhaps you might recognize that this is a problem. Indeed, it took human civilization tens of thousands of years to get to the population of 1 billion people on the Earth in the year 1830. We have reached the point where we can add this number of people to the Earth every 12 years. Let me put this another way: In two years in 2012, we can prove to ourselves that we have reached the point in population where we can add to the world, a population of one billion people in just twelve years.. equal to the population in the year 1830 that took human civilization tens of thousands of years to reach!
Global Warming
It is critical to learn and fully understand as individuals just how we as humans got here to the global warming problem in the first place. It is also critical to learn that just by solving carbon dioxide emissions into the air is just not going to solve our children's very near upcoming future problems. Here on this site are placed easy to follow and well resourced educational videos that will assist you in painting a very clear picture of what needs to be done.
One of the first questions I get most commonly from parents and grandparents who wish to help their children is: "What can I do?"
With my most grave and serious plea, I inform them that they must take hours of their time... and they can do so at their conveniece ... to learn. This website is a resource area where they can learn the most critical facts about the future of their children and what we can do about it. So please, those who read this, know, the most important thing you can do first for your child or grandchild or for any child you care about is to make yourself take the time to learn. Then take what you learn and help two other people learn the same thing, and continue this over and over again.
Global warming is caused by fossil fuel burning in vast vast numbers that are too difficult for us to imagine with our feeble minds. There are solutions to this and clean energy is certainly one which we must change to and change to quickly. But keep in mind, we must also realize that actions have consequences... for instance... nuclear energy is very very dangerous in a hostile world. Wind energy kills birds and bats... just look at the bottom of the poles. Water power with dams needs to be looked at very carefully for the impact of salmon and other life forms and results it causes to aerable lands. Solar Electric in my very humble opinion seems like a dream come true.
Next, population growth. This MUST be not only stopped, but after you learn that there have been studies done that suggest a sustainable Earth can only hold a human population of 2 billion persons, we must realize that population REDUCTION, is the big picture answer to our children's future.
Now it doesn't matter whether you like this portrayal or not as ignoring these facts doesn't solve anything nor change the facts. Action solves problems and I might add well thought out and responsible action.
The next time you hear a politician or read a newspaper article about "Smart Growth" or any growth, think about the videos you have watched and what you are learning here.
The fact of the matter is you can reduce your carbon footprint; you can switch to solar electric; you can work on solar passive buildings; shoot liquid CO2 deep into the ground; you can move to the mountains! But NOTHING will matter if we do not actively understand that reducing our population is the major answer to solving our children's very near future problems, therefore it must be part of this town democratic movement of the "refrigerator list".